Team Roster and Scores. SB: Under 300 + K-3 unrated

1BRDSBrookridge Day School 5.519.527.515.562
Owen Moore 2.5
Luke Riddle 1.5
Mikahl Mcmahon 1.5
2SROESunset Ridge Elementary 5.514.516.51441
Matthew Rasnavad 3.0
Robert Walch 2.5
3JONDJohn Diemer Elementary 4.089.51027
Cael Province 4.0
4RVERiverview Elementary 3.01114.57.533.5
Phoenix A Thompson 2.5
Noah E Thompson 0.5
5LBVWLiberty View Elementary 2.5895.524.5
Alexander Calvez 2.5
6MCPEManchester Park Elementary 2.566.54.518.5
Michael Sobczyk 2.5
7MRPEMerriam Park Elementary 1.557.5419.5
Logan Deangelis 1.5
8LEELLeawood Elementary
Nathan Sovereign 1.0
9OTELOverland Trail Elementary 1.046.5217.5
Nicholas J Herrold 1.0

Team Roster and Scores. SB: Under 600 + K-6 unrated

1HTCSHoly Trinity Catholic School 4.0671016
Alexander Evans 4.0
2BRDSBrookridge Day School 3.514247.554.5
Peter Oma-savage 2.0
Aedan A Grube 1.0
Cooper D Canfield 0.5
3LBVWLiberty View Elementary 2.049621
Ethan C Beane 2.0
4CCKEClear Creek Elementary 2.049522.5
Skyler A. Vince 2.0
5OHELOak Hill Elementary 2.038417.5
Joshua Boxberger 2.0
6LEELLeawood Elementary 1.5243.57.5
Charley K Peck 1.5

Team Roster and Scores. SB: Over 600 + K-12 unrated

1BMHSBishop Miege High School 5a 8.01111.52035
Matthew D Maurer 4.0
Adam Albright 4.0
2PHSMPembroke Hill School 6.515.524.51659
Anawat Chantaramongkol 3.0
Nathan Gaid 2.0
Joshua Rubel 1.5
3HTCSHoly Trinity Catholic School 3.06.512.5430.5
John Vandenberg 2.0
John Kutney 1.0
4PRMIPioneer Ridge Middle 2.0711726
Priyatam Nuney 2.0
5BRDSBrookridge Day School
Joey Shonkwiler 1.0
6OTELOverland Trail Elementary 0.0711027
Richard Oma-savage 0.0