Midwest Chess Academy Tim Steiner
Midwest Chess Academy
Serving Kansas City and Dallas/Ft. Worth
(469) 458-2430
(913) 789-6989



A terrific piece of software that covers the basics and more.


A full service online through the browser playing site


One of the best tactics trainer on the internet

Chess Tempo

An interesting site the provides histories of the game and graphics.
Chess Graphics


An outstanding site for news from all over the globe for adult chess.

Probably one of the most visited websites on chess. Lots of instruction here.
Chess Cafe

This group runs adult tournaments all over the country. I like to attend them.
Continental Chess Association


A really unique site for chess. Uses audio and video to report on chess worldwide.
Chess FM


Probably the second most visited website on the net. This site allows you to play real-time internet chess with people from all over the globe.
Internet Chess Club


One of my favorite sites. I go here when I want to know anything that goes on in professional chess on a weekly basis.
This Week in Chess


Our national organization that governs all adult and scholastic chess.
United States Chess Federation


This is a neat little site. Tells you rankings of people by state.
Rating Search


Also a cool tool to lookup the top junior players in the United States

Top Player Lists


This is one of the coolest chess sites



Susan Polgar Chess Blog

This has got to be one of the best chess information sites on the web besides Chessbase.


Live Top List

This is a very neat site that updates the top players current rating on a daily basis.